Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Word of Introduction

So this is my blog. My past blogging attempts have failed because my focus was too narrow. So now I'm throwing out all the rules and starting fresh. I will be writing about whatever I want, whenever I want.

I would love it if my awesome, brilliant, existentially-constipated blogger friends (you know who you are) would comment frequently and passionately. I hope such an online discourse will be a laxative to our souls!

Now, a note on my first real post. This is a paper I wrote for my Writing class. It is directed toward a Mormon audience but I think it could be interesting to any entertainment consumer. My future posts will be more directed toward all of you whom I hope will become at least occasional readers.

Please challenge my assertions in this paper. Seeing as this subject overlaps with what I hope to make my life's work, I will be exploring these ideas with more depth throughout this blog.


  1. i think blogs should be whenver, wherever, and whoever. I hope this one is successful. it will be. just let it happen. you are one of the most interesting individuals i know brother scott.

  2. Scott, i like your blog. I especially like the banner up top.
    it is very skillful.

  3. Scott, I'm glad I've found your blog. You have the beginnings of a great Blogger. Let us spur each other on.

  4. wow! I didnt even know you had a blog! for some reason, i think of you as traipsing purposefully about the physical world, nose pressed to the earth and ear to the sky, in defiance of all this internet-y mumbo-jumbo and flim-flam!

    guess i was wrong. sorry.
